Giving » Planned Giving

Planned Giving

“They all ate and were satisfied. And when the leftover fragments were picked up, they filled twelve wicker baskets.” Luke 9:17

Because of St. Mary’s High School, many of us have been blessed with a faith-formed education that helped us build our careers, wealth, and most importantly, families. As people of faith, we know the responsibility of providing the same opportunities that we had for future generations. Please reflect upon the blessings of your life and the value that St. Mary’s and Our Lady had upon it. During our current economic situation it may be difficult to give an outright cash donation for the mission of St. Mary’s High School; however, one way that you can show your gratitude and support, without using present cash-flow, is through planned giving. This form of gift is critical for the mission of St. Mary’s and will transform future generations. Likewise, a planned gift is a living legacy of your commitment to quality Catholic education, and is a witness of your desire to be a good steward of the gifts God has given you. A planned gift may have some financial tax benefits for you and can add protection to your assets. Planned gifts and some of their potential benefits include:
  • Gift of Real Estate or Residence
    Immediate income tax deduction and estate tax savings
  • Gift Annuities
    Immediate income tax deduction and reduction of capital gains tax
  • Investments 
    Tax deduction on current market value and avoid capital gains tax
  • Life Insurance 
    Tax deduction for premiums and estate tax savings
  • IRA’s/Qualified Retirement Plans/ US Savings Bonds 
    Income and estate tax savings
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
    Immediate income tax deduction and reduction of capital gains tax
  • Charitable Lead Trusts
    Principal and accumulated income passes on to beneficiaries
If St. Mary's has played a significant role in your life, please consider making a planned gift. This gift will help the St. Mary's community stay healthy and vibrant for future generations of students. Because of the added benefits, planned giving is a win-win for St. Mary's, you and your loved ones.

If you have any questions, please contact the Planned Giving Consultant, Hank Tajkowski at [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your prayerful consideration of such a noble commitment to St. Mary’s.