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Here at St. Mary's South Side Catholic, we offer a variety of scholarships for incoming students. These scholarships are based on the Characteristics of Marianist Education and embody what we believe St. Mary's South side Catholic High School men are.

The following scholarships are automatically awarded to students who meet the criteria and apply for admission by April 1st.

Please note:
  • Scholarships cover tuition only (not fees)
  • Students who apply for scholarships may also apply for further financial aid

The following scholarships require students to complete a separate application. Applications include a short essay and letter of recommendation. Multiple awards may be given per category based on the quality of applications received. Application review begins in late March.


Mrs. Amy Kurkowski
Director of Business Operations
314.481.8400 ext.124


Mrs. Christina Bianchi
Director of Enrollment
314.481.8400 ext.110