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Our Academy System is designed to develop a sense of belonging, create a welcoming community, build strong relationships, encourage engagement and help students navigate the opportunities available at school. 

There are four Academies that consist of students in grades 9-12 and members of the faculty and staff. Each Academy is named after a former Marianist Brother/priest who served at and significantly shaped our school community.



Bro. Heyer spent almost his entire teaching ministry at St. Mary’s. He taught Biology, and he inspired many to go into Science courses. Bro. Francis also worked on the grounds at St. Mary’s, cutting grass and planting the trees around our campus. He was honored for his 75 years as a professed Marianist Brother and he just passed away in 2023.

Academy color: GREEN


Fr. Barber served as a French teacher while at St. Mary's South Side Catholic. He coached three sports every year. He was an excellent coach and mentor, and he had great self-discipline. He shared these gifts with students and faculty alike.

Academy color: PINK


Bro. Haug was an excellent athlete and coach and served as a French and social studies teacher at St. Mary’s South Side Catholic. Bro. Haug served as the last house superior at St. Mary’s South Side Catholic, and he was a great collaborator with the entire faculty in their educational mission.

Academy color: ORANGE


Fr. O'Shaughnessy (O'Sh) was a graduate of South Side Catholic (1936). He taught English, Latin, and 1818 English, and he moderated many of the plays. He was the last professed Marianist to teach at our school. He served as a mentor to many of the faculty, and he was a living example of education through heart (Marianist Education).

Academy color: PURPLE

All Academies compete annually in the Battle of the Dragons. The Academy that accumulates the most points in various academic, athletic, service, leadership and school spirit oriented events and competitions is named the winner and receives the Dragon Cup. The following activities/events are Academy Competitions.

  • Spirit Week

  • Field Day

  • Marianist Heritage Week

  • March Madness 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament

  • Day of the Dragon Cup (final day of competitions)

  • Marquee Events (school events where attending earns points for your academy)

  • Points are also earned for attendance, service and academic achievements